Subject Study
This design is adaptable to various sizes, from 15 inch to 28 inch, and various shapes, such as octagon, circle, square and oval. Wings are composed of many glass drops, either all the same or of related shades, and bordered by quarter inch lead came. Various sized clear glass drops, seedy and clear glass in the background give a flow to the panel. The dragonfly body is constructed with green and blue iridescent glass. Frame is a half inch lead came.
$270 for the 24 inch octagon.
Price will corresponding increase or decrease will different sizes, please contact us for more details and shipping information .
Related piece is the Flight of the Butterflies. Using cathedral, opalescent and clear glass to show the twist and turns of the butterflies path. 12 inch round with quarter inch lead came frame, this can be sized down to 9 inches or sized up to 24 inches.
$110 for the 12 inch round.
Price will corresponding increase or decrease will different sizes, please contact us for more details and shipping information .